Bella, Baxter,Blossom and Babsy

    Baxter, Blossom and Bella...the stairs to the right of my desk.
                                     Blossom and Bella

November 2nd 2012

Miss Blossom says "What do you mean not now?"

October 8th 2012

My Studio "groupies"...the POM is Mom's....i can't claim her...the other three are mine....

Blossom resting her head on bog brother Baxter's arm...:)

September 21st, 2012

Meet BLOSSOM...and read below....

 I cannot even believe that it has been almost a year since I updated this page...but if you follow my Faith and Family page, then you know life has been quite a challenge this past year, with hubby's cancer diagnosis , sons moving home, etc, 

I have happy and sad news to share at the same time about our darling canine family.
About a month ago, our precious cocker spaniel Miss Bella who just turned three on Monday was diagnosed with cancer.

I was not only terribly sad, but completely freaked out, wondering if there is something in our home that is toxic, ( this is the second cancer diagnosis in 9 months) but the vet assured me that she is too young for it to be environmental, that it must be something in her genes. This made me feel better, as we have lived in our home for 18 years and raised 4 sons here.

To make a very long story short, the Vet was able to get in her a study and she is on chemo (all expenses paid)...which she began this week, to try to give  Miss Bella a little more time. She does not seem to be in any pain at this time, but has slowed down quite a bit. We will NOT continue if she does not handle it well, we would never allow her to suffer. The Veterinary oncologist assures us that most dogs handle chemo extremely well, much better than humans.
She has been normal this week, other than a little sleepy the day after treatment.

After much discussion between ourselves and with the Vet, we decided we would want to adopt a puppy for Mr Baxter, as he and Bella are inseparable...and we fear little Baxter ( who is almost two) will grieve himself to death. We also decided we wanted the puppy here while Bella is still with us, so that Baxter already has that relationship before Bella passes away, and we wanted Bella and  the new puppy to know each put our name on the list for another Cavachon ( which is what Baxter is). We figured it would be a few months before we got a call...
WELL...that call came Miss Blossom...she is 8 weeks old, and weighs less than 3 lbs...she has been with us for 6 days, and she and Mr Baxter have bonded is very sweet to see, and just what we were hoping for....they play like best buddies, and he is so gentle with is amazing to me how he just instinctively knows that she is a baby. Bella is warming up to her now, but was a little afraid of her at first....she is a very lively little thing... yesterday Bella, Baxter and Blossom were all curled up together in front of the front glass door...
Bella allowed Blossom to kiss her a few times today....progress!!

                                          Baxter and Blossom curled up in Mommy's lap

   Daddy and Miss Bella waiting to see the veterinary oncologist....hubby says that he and Miss Bella are now on a cancer journey together..

October 20th, 2011

                                                             Meet Bella and Baxter
                                                   CLICK IMAGE TO SEE LARGE!!
Miss Bella and Mr Baxter in the big red chair in my studio that sits a few feet from my desk.
If I am in that room...they are in this chair watching my every move!!
Bella is a pure bred Cocker Spaniel..who will be two in October, and Baxter is a Cavachon who will be one in November!! A Cavachon is a mix of a Cavalier King Charles Cocker spaniel and a Bichon Frise. They are kind of a "designer dog" rare, but will now probably become more popular....they are simply wonderful!!!
 My darling little furry friends...who are making me old and keeping me young at the same time.... 

October 20th, 2011
Sweet little Mr. Baxter snuggled in the chair to the right of  my desk ...all eyes on Mommy....always....

October 9th,
This is a picture I took of Mr. Baxter last weekend when I was cleaning out the upper studio..Miss Bella was afraid of the black garbage bags( she us afraid of EVERYTHING)  and would not come all the way into the room, but Mr. Baxter cannot stand to be far from mommy, so he curled up in this little box I had just emptied!!

September 29th,
Mr Baxter chilling next to my desk in the boxes I am packing up in the upper studio....
Bella and Baxter have slept through the night the past 2 nights!!!! Yeah!!!
I have been walking them twice a day and breaking for a few toy throwing sessions...

September 27th,
Needing Puppy help 
....Bella and Baxter are almost one and almost two..they have been in our bed from the beginning...and have been VERY good.....BUT...something has changed...they sleep ALL DAY at my feet while I am working..then when I go up 
(usually around 2:00-3:00 a.m. ) they are up and down all night..on the the bed...trolling around the room with their little collar charms jingling..they are making me crazy..I have been awake until 5:00 a.m. the past two nights!!This morning about 4:00..i took them down to their kennels on the main floor and put them in there...Baxter barked for about an hour then finally stopped..HELP....ANY IDEAS ANYONE????? I feel bad putting them in there..they are used to being up with us...they have their days and nights mixed up ...but I cannot run around and play with them in the day to keep them awake..I HAVE TO WORK!!They won't even go outside and play like normal dogs.,unless I am out there . They think the MUST be where I please!!!!

September 25th 2011... 

Mr. Baxter kept me company in the studio today..but got busted digging in my boxes...below is his "oops I'm in trouble" moment!!

September 24th 2011..

Bella and Baxter had a SPA DAY at Petco while mommy they are all clean and fluffy in their new harnesses. They pull so hard when we walk that they choke.. and yet they still I decided harnesses are a must to avoid injury. Could not get a good photo of them side by side sitting still!!

                      What a pretty girl!!

September 22nd, 2011Why when we are journeying towards the empty nest do so many of us, before we actually get to experience  "FREEDOM" .......decide to start ALL OVER AGAIN with puppies????
 I do NOT have an answer...but I do know that one of the  highlights of my day will be parking my car in front of the house tonight and seeing those little darlings.... one in each window beside the front door...up on two legs doing their "Mommy's home" dance!!!! Then I will sit in my red chair and Mr Baxter will lick my face until I can stand it no longer!!!!


                                      December 2010 when Mr Baxter came to us !!!!
   He would sleep on the mouse pad on my desk up against my chest while I worked on the computer!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly, I know you are working, its tough with a dog. I have a Pug and he is with me almost 24/7. I think you might try doggy day care once per week so they get so they can get rid of some of the energy around other dogs. It's worth a try. Have fun.